In this blog we will examine the critical practice of allowing cigars to rest outside of their humidors prior to smoking with moisture regulation and combustion dynamics, this blog aims to enhance the smoking experience and reduce common issues associated with immediate lighting.
In the realm of cigar enthusiasts, the intricate process of smoking a cigar involves more than simply selecting a fine product; it encompasses various preparatory steps that can significantly influence the overall experience. A key recommendation among aficionados is to remove a cigar from its humidor prior to smoking, allowing it to “rest” and acclimate to the ambient conditions. This practice serves to mitigate potential issues such as uneven burning and overly moist smoke, which are commonly encountered when lighting a cigar directly from a humid environment.
Typically speaking, in the world of weather forcasting and meteorology anyhthig above 60% humidity is considered high humidity. Cigars are typically stored in humidors that maintain high humiditylevelss between 60% to 72%, which can lead to excessive moisture retention in the tobacco. This moisture, when combined with the immediate combustion of the cigar, can result in an unsatisfactory smoking experience characterized by uneven burns, a wet pull, and even popping or cracking your cigar. Experts suggest that allowing a cigar to rest on a countertop for a duration of a few hours can facilitate moisture dissipation, allowing the cigar to acclimate thus promoting a more even and enjoyable burn. It is important to consider the dynamics of combustion during the smoking process. When a cigar is lit, the heat generated at the cherry releases moisture from the tobacco beneath the wrapper. If the combustion is too rapid or vigorous, the resultant expansion can lead to increased humidity being released, which may cause the cigar to swell, bulging the wrapper and ultimately leading to it bursting. This phenomenon has been noted to affect certain types of cigars more than others, with Connecticut shade and Cameroon wrappers being particularly susceptible to these issues, while sturdier wrappers such as broadleaf and San Andres exhibit greater resilience.
Quick Tip:
If you happen to come across the misfortune of having your cigar pop or burst, Try to very carefully loosen you band, if it already loose. Slide it down over your damaged area. This will allow you to keep your cigar from further damage. Slide your cigar band upwards as you smoke until you get passed the damage.
The act of allowing a cigar to acclimate prior to smoking is an essential practice that enhances the overall enjoyment of the experience. By adhering to this pre-smoking ritual, cigar enthusiasts can minimize the risk of common smoking pitfalls, ensuring a more satisfactory encounter with their chosen cigars. As the nuances of cigar smoking continue to be explored, understanding the importance of moisture regulation and combustion dynamics remains fundamental for aficionados seeking to elevate their smoking experience.
The method of dry boxing is another way of moisture management that has gained traction among cigar enthusiasts as an effective technique for preserving the flavor and quality of cigars. One of the primary advantages of dry boxing is the potential for enhanced flavor development. By allowing cigars to acclimate in a less humid environment, excess moisture is released, resulting in a more balanced and pronounced flavor profile during smoking.
To effectively implement dry boxing, cigar enthusiasts are advised to follow several key practices.
Generally, a period of 24 to 48 hours in the dry box is sufficient to achieve the desired moisture balance. However, individuals should monitor the condition of their cigars, as different blends may require varying durations.
It is essential to select an appropriate location for the dry box, away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight, to prevent damage to the cigars.
Regular Monitoring:
Cigar smokers should regularly inspect their cigars during the dry boxing process to ensure that they do not become overly dry, which could lead to a loss of flavor and aroma.
By understanding and implementing these methods, cigar lovers can appreciate the full spectrum of flavors that high-quality tobacco has to offer.
By:Tabacco G Stix