Industry Friends & Cigar Family

Welcome to the page of our Industry Friends & Cigar Family. Please feel free to visit there sites and find out more about them.

Cigars For Beginners

What is there website all about?

Many of us spend much time on the internet looking for cigars we enjoy and those we would like to try. This website will hopefully help you find some of the more unique cigars from around the world. We are presenting brands and where to find them. Just go to one of the sections, and find the information you are looking for. 

Their Global Reach

Our website and social media activities reach consumers and businesses in over 23 countries, 231 cities, on five continents, and creates search activities in 40+ countries.

We are very active on social media, where we create over 5k monthly impressions. With over 1,00 profile visits per month, we are reaching the global market.

Seat At The Table

Seat At The Table is the network for men that want to win.


Connect with other men that want to win.


Contribute to the development of yourself and your brothers.


Conquer your goals.

The Leaf Cutters Podcast

The Leaf Cutters Podcast- your smoke-filled retreat for all things cigars! Whether you’re a cuurious newbie or a seasoned aficionado, we’ve got you covered. Join us on the back porch lounge, where tips, tricks, and tales are shared over a fine cigar. So grab your favorite stick, sit back and lets light up the conversation.


Our approach is focused on understanding that not everyone has someone to guide them and provide practical solutions for their individual cigar experience. From my personal thoughts on cigars and what to expect from them all to help you develop your own selection of favor profile preferences unique to just you.

The Cigar Misfits

The Cigar Misfits are a group who go on Tiktok. They can normally found most nights lighting up a stogie and having a laugh. Make sure to check them out on Tiktok

Sticks At The Shore

Sticks At The Shore is run by Robert Connelly he talks about his love for cigars and everything community wise with cigars. News, Reviews and Interviews will be able catch on his Youtube Channel.